Thursday, August 27, 2009

New Project

WORKING ON A NEW PROJECT!!!  I'm super excited because I haven't gotten the chance to work on any serious projects of my own in some time.  The above image is a still from the film.  Just wanted to give you guys a taste.  Not sure of the title yet, but the theme of the film is suicide.  I'm using suicide as a metaphor for freedom.  Not freedom in the physical though.  Moreso, freedom in the mental and spiritual aspects of oneself.  It's taken me a minute to get a cut of the first scene, but I finally have something worth mentioning.  The score is going to be a pain to get right, but I have it well enough for now to get a feel for the scene.  Just for a quick plug.  I used London composer Ben Beiny for my film score.  He is an AMAZING up and coming composer.  I'll be speaking of him in posts to come.  I'll make sure to keep you all (if anyone actually reads my blog, lol) posted on the progress of my film.  All aboard the Train To Midnight.

Di Rob

1 comment:

Jesse Berger said...

Still looks great man. How's school going? Let's catch up soon.
