Ah yes, I've been expecting you. That ugly thing called The Feminist (cringe) has decided to rear her ugly head (no pun intended). Women I know some of you may not like this one, but hey, start a blog and chew me a new one. For now, hop aboard THE TRAIN TO MIDNIGHT and stow away in the mind of the conductor. Next Stop: Feministville. Scarier than any horror movie to date and possibly any that will ever be made is the infamous Unsure Feminist. WHAT DO YOU WANT!?! Pardon my outburst passengers. I'll toss some more logs in and cool the engine down. I find it funny when a woman calls herself a feminist when she has no real understanding of the word. I've been "attacked" by so-called feminist on numerous occasions, but when questioned about the motives behind being a feminist the response was usually one of bewilderment, blank stares, and a whole lot of umms and eerrss. I have no problem with feminist, but if and only if she understands the true motives behind feminism. This might be funny coming from a male, but shouldn't the object of feminism be for a woman to achieve equality? It makes no sense for feminist to claim to be better than men. I feel, personally, that by claiming that you're better than a man, you're essentially lowering yourself to the level of that which you strive to overcome. In no way am I trying to regulate how feminist govern themselves (as I'm sure that a man governing feminist defeats the purpose of feminism), but I am asking for those pretentious feminist that only want to claim something and choose sex as their weapon of choice, to examine the feminist teachings and be, really be, who they say they are in truth. Just like any other movement, misrepresentations on any level, kills the purpose at all levels. Hold on folks. Ha, looks like we've approached the town limits for Feministville. Hey, that wasn't so bad was it passengers? We've successfully passed through Feministville. Well, on to the next stop I say. This freight has words to type, films to show, and ghouls to awaken. Good fright and all aboard The Train To Midnight.
As my first official post, I'll leave you guys a treat. This is a short horror film me and my friend Braker Carter worked on. I directed and narrated the film (also have a cameo appearance in the beginning). He's the actor. The premise is a man struggling to cope with life. In the midst of his struggle, he's visited by Death. Cornered in a small garage, watch how Robert Shovel deals with his last moments on earth. Good fright and all aboard The Train To Midnight.
I've finally decided to get back on this thing called Blogspot. I was choosing between blogspot and wordpress, but ultimately blogspot beat out its' counterpart in a third round knockout. In the brief stint I had with blogging, I found it to be a good release. With that being said, I've decided to start a more personal blog page that keeps you up to date on all the things I find interesting about life, film, and whatever else decides to happen. There will probably be a few "eerie" entries as I tend to flex my horror muscle from time to time. I'll probably post a few short short stories on the spot on my page. Hopefully, in the midst of all my writing, I'll write something that keeps you the reader interested enough to keep coming back. Good fright and all aboard The Train To Midnight
I love film. Everything about the filmmaking experience from start to finish has a special place in my heart. Film is the medium that alows me to hold a mirror to society in hopes that, for better or worse, they see something of themselves within my art. I'm a grounded individual seeking to do more good than bad in this world cause in the end those are the people who are truly remembered.